Singer -Songwriter-Dancer -Producer - Actor
J o s e p h B e l l
NAT King COLE(Old Soul)
Joseph Bell Jr., AKA Jobel Star, is an artist from Hartford, Connecticut, living in Atlanta, Georgia. He is a natural performer who has dedicated his entire music career to immortalizing the late king of pop, Michael Jackson, and amplifying everything that he stood for. Watching Jobel Star is akin to seeing Michael Jackson rise from the dead, and with Jobel Star’s current trajectory, the world has a legend in the making on its hands.
The singer, dancer, songwriter, and actor has refuted claims that he is only impersonating Michael Jackson, but he naturally has his own sound yet shares vocal unique elements similar to Michael Jacckson and proves his vocal strengths in his music and his live performances. He
Just can’t help it..his real natural tone is similar to the King of Pop with vocal favorites being Michael Jackson, Luther VanDross,Prince,and Whitney Houston. All 4 icons that are gone too soon. Joseph, Jobel Star, has once been choreographed by highschool dance student mate Travis Payne, Michael’s lead choreographer before in This Is It. With over 25 years of experience performing on stages globally, Jobel has proven himself to be an all-round entertainer capable of carrying on the Michael Jackson legacy. He has appeared in the movie, “The Jackson: An American Dream” and TV shows like “Ed McMahon’s Star Search” and “What’s Love Got to Do With It.”
Jobel Star released the music video for “Save Our World Infinity” a month ago on YouTube. It is set to be in stores the first week of 2021 on all platforms. it is is his way of promoting love and common sense in today’s world. In his words, “I want everyone to pay attention to the lyrics - Do What’s Right. Don’t Just Fight.” Immediately,with the recent announcement from Taj Jackson that the Jacksons won the legal battle over HBO, Jobel elated for the Jackson family Win but deeply upset that the evil plot had ever occurred , Jobel Star urgently re released “Said I’M Back” adding “You Can’t Hurt Me No More” to the hook with his interpretation of how Michael might have responded today against the betrayal and for the family success in 2020. Jobel Star was asked to write a song to place on Michael’s upcoming album in 2006. Then it was called “I’m Back”. But now Jobel sings it for Michael in his own way with “Said I’m Back.YouCan’t Hurt Me No More” now joining Save Our World Infinity in stores and featured on his long awaited breakthrough album THE FORCE (on website) mixtape soon to be released.
I’m comfortable being myself and find it very rewarding to at least try to lend a helping hand with an honest effort to continue tributing even in the recording industry celebrating the greats, the Icons of our time. Jobel prides himself on over 20 years of singing live with top corporate bands and over 10 years since 2007 helping to establish Who’s Bad as a the lead singer till 2017 +.”I always said I was going to keep Michael going for as long as I can” And years 11 years since that Friday,June 26,2009the day after the world shutdown losing our King, I have been on a mission to dry the tears and somehow with love keep the concepts and ideas of both his and mine true and in action. Jobel Star is real. He welcomes other tribute artists and love’s Usher,both Justins, Bruno,and of course Chris Brown. After all Michael Jackson was the teacher of all of us.The King of artistic perfection and who probably loves all tribute artists and impersonators of the world. Jobel claims he is not much of an impersonator. He just says hello and the audience screams out Michael! Michael! Jobel is real. Not Memorex. Live music with a kick ass band like Who’s Bad is his passion. Jobel Star’s unique vocal tone along with his natural physical demeanor,is what sets him apart from other talented tribute artists.. “I sing the challenging songs live incorporating my original style, my songs and Michael’s songs in performances around the world. To me Michael is irreplaceable. No one compares to his enormous talent,however it appears that God has put me here in these shoes for a reason. I have to be myself,Joseph.Being Michael feels like being Me. A self taught piano player. Throughout time he has learned to accept and cherish all of the similarities to Michael and some say Prince ,Luther and Whitney strangely enough with a life purpose to entertain, spread love, in a significant impact across the world.
Jobel Star (The REAL MICHAEL JACKSON...Michael FOr Real) intends to carry out some humanitarian projects, which include bringing about real change in the world. He also believes that the day everyone in the world can fully trust one another is when there will truly be peace. Joseph Bell hopes to significantly impact the world as a recording artist and tribute artist that inspires hope and change in everyone. His songs talk a lot about love and spreading it in the world. “I believe there is love in every one of us,even our enemies, and I want to reach out and sing to that energy ,that spirit in the hearts of others.”
Jobel Star’s five-year goal is to break records as an independent artist, actor, and speaker. He hopes to gain enough influence to be able to take on more charitable causes that involve rehabilitating the homeless and the less privileged.
Learn more about Jobel Star on his official websiten 1983 I was on t.v in Atlanta,GA doing the "Thriller" dance. at Northside School of the Arts.. in dance classes with "Heather Hayes" and "Travis Payne." 1985 I was the token Michael Jackson for Walt Disney World,Fla. In 1987 I performed "Another Part of Me" at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles. I was briefly in an all male group put together by "Frank Gatson" who was the first person that ever tried to talk some sense into me believing I could be the next Michael. I was like "Yeah Right!" I was rather hard headed at the time.
In 2004 I was asked to write
and record songs to try and place on Michael Jackson's New upcoming CD right after the final court cases. Soon after, in 2007 I joined "Who's Bad - The Ultimate Michael Jackson Tribute Band" while MJ was still alive then did my best token him ALIVE tributing him for the next 10 years which started with
performing on FOX BUSINESS NEWS,China Tour,Europe,Canada,Mexico,and The Philippines and just about every city in the USA. we even met the Great Aretha Franklin singing for the Bush's in Texas.Btw, I didn't expect to be a Tribute Artist.I guess GOD had plans for me. But overall, I really am an all the way "LIVE" Singer/Dancer/ Songwriter/ Entertainer that writes songs that tell the TRUTH and some of these
songs on this CD "THE FORCE" were written for Michael to sing. HE was supposed to sing them...And so,now,
I sing these songs For Him.
I just wanted to Bring Michael BACK! ...Keep him ALIVE, in spirit somehow. So I sing "SAID I'M BACK"
It is just my interpretation of what he might say if he was alive today.
Am I Michael Jackson? Almost every fan wishes to be Michael and I'm certainly a fan.But I sure as hell have a blast thinking that I AM!
Just like the rest of you Michael Fans!!! LOL
We do have some similarities. For example, I used to like Danny Keogh's wife
when we were in a band. She's very pretty in person. So I understand you Michael.
Then I meet the Lovely "Lynda Parrish" while on tour getting my hair did by the King Of Pop's
latest Hairdresser in Atlanta. Who knew?
So,such is my life. I've been Tributing just being me nearly all my life.
He's Just "Another Part OF Me"
JOBEL STAR Yeah right..... IT's ME, Michael Joseph Jackson. It's 2024 going on 2025. Scouts Honor.