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Nat King Cole (Old Soul)


I will receive 
to restore that life
which was mine.
Jobel Redding Star
Nat Jing Cole (Old Soul)



References on
Past Lives and after death.

Have You Ever Lived This
Life Before. by L.Ron Hubbard

The Melbourne Congreses
18 American ACC Lecture#12

Fundamentals of Thought
by LRH

I purchased this heart on MAY 26. The day Lisa and I got married, sang "Gone Too Soon" acapella at a Velvet Rope and MJ tribute. in GA. Madly saddened that I lost a love I never met with this body...Joseph Bell aka Jobel Star.

Why do I know I'm Michael?

Here are only some of the reasons
as I have that lifetime stored in my mind.
If that changes, I'll let you know. O.K.?

a. Because I was the one murdered.
b.Because I never missed and loved
family members and friends and fans
of Michael and have  studied 
to verify all incidents.
Joseph Bell could careless.
He was the tribute artist.

After June 25,2009.
c. Because it all adds up
and I've done the homework
necessary to prove to any
sane person or judging
entity and fear no-one 
because I stand on telling The Truth.
c. There is 
no-one anywhere more upset
about my Publishing being sold and
being pimped because of my death of 
my previous body. 
I Said I'm Back over and over again.
d. I am willing to tell all and take full 

responsibility for all that has taken place
including my families, business, and anything affiliated with my name,
Michael Joseph Jackson Jobel Star
Not so concerned about Nat King Cole. for now since it was so
long ago.
e.I'm not a hypnotized uniformed fool and
If I discover anything more on this matter, I will certainly  be the first to tell you ., whoever you'd like me to be, if it aligns with GOD and is true...Let It Be.
f.Oh, I automattcally voted for Trump
seeing he was my friend in that lifetime before his Presidency. He defended me and I used to play with his kids at the time.
f. I've never broken down and cried as 
hard for a woman I never met with this body. Lisa Presley.
e. those are some of the reasons.
I'd like to thank my mother Kathryn for
fighting so hard to hold true to my words
and I will seek Justice for any enturbulation or upset.
g. I was a fan of Whitney Houston as Joseph Bell but not till 2025, kmowing
that she really was a dear friend I cried my heart out and left BB a message on instagram
h. I know I raised my 3 children the best that I could and have NO doubt
that I am their father. anyone who disagrees can kiss my grass! lol
I.I am willing to be wrong but I'm 
taught to dare to be different and that the best 
ME IS for we ALL have Trillions of lifetimes to CLEAR Up Toward Real Peaceon Earth.
j.The Force is With Me and my Eternal Appreciation for The Honorable Louis Farrakhan who leads us toward
Mr.Hubbard's works which when applied CLEARS all the hell that all have been through returnig one to The Greatest Love of All.
k.. I love my Friends and Enemies too
for they know not like blood clotted with lies but can be undone.
l. I'm a cry baby. I knew Ryan White too
and I will  help Heal All including R.Kelly and Diddy too no matter what 
gender... Total Truth is splendor.
m.I love animals and bugs.I try not to kill them unless necessary.
I made a friend, a fly that flew on to 
my heart, my chest, and I walked him through backstage. he stayed there till I opened the door. I told him he could leave and then flew away. Talib tried to kill him.  Ask him he will telll you.


The Spiritual Being is ME. Michael.
The Body is Jo Jo Bell or
Joseph Bell Jr..
I discovered Joseph back in
1981 during the Atlanta Child Murders.
THAT's when I donated
100,000 to The Task Force.
That's when I told
Billy Densmore
to give him a Scholarship
to any college of his choice
when he was to Graduate
the Performing Arts School.
He had a high voice too!
Like Me.
This is true,
I think they should free
Wayne Williams.



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